Pedophilia in the Catholic Church, Just the Facts- 1

God’s right-hand man allows the facts to be introduced prior to giving us his comments concerning Pedophilia and the Catholic Church (Catholic Chruch’s child abuse data)


  • The religious woke elite, including the Vatican, wanted it to just go away instead of dealing with the problem head-on

  • Instead of correcting the pedophile problem, they did a massive ad campaign to cover it up

  • It was a global crisis for the Church, not just in the US

  • The priests sexually abused primarily boys. It was not just a few here or there but reached into the thousands

  • Catholic Bishops kept these crimes secret and reassigned the accused to other parishes in positions where they had continued unsupervised contact with youth

  • Many of the accused priests were forced to resign or were laicized (defrocked)

  • Also, the Bishops who participated in the cover-up had to resign or retire. Why were they not “prosecuted or jailed?”

  • Settlements with the victims were estimated to have surpassed $3 billion in total by 2012

  • The religious elite (Bishops) instituted a zero-tolerance policy that was bull %#& in 2012. By 2019 Bishops across the United States withheld hundreds of names from their accused clergy list


This is research behind the above summary. If you have the stomach to read the complete report you will find the following:


There have been many lawsuits, criminal prosecutions, and scandals over sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in the United States of America.

The issue of child sexual abuse by Roman Catholic priests was first publicized in 1985 when a Louisiana priest pleaded guilty to 11 counts of molestation of boys.[1] It was again brought to national attention in 2002 following a series of publications by The Boston Globe.

As it became clear that there was truth to many of the allegations and a pattern of cover-ups in a number of large dioceses across the United States, the issue became a nationwide scandal, creating a crisis for the Catholic Church in the United States. Though the sex abuse cases are not unique in comparison to other countries, the sex abuse crisis in the United States is more conspicuous due to the behavior and reaction (or lack thereof) from the clergy and the Vatican.[2] 

Allegations in the United States also encouraged victims in other nations to come forward, rapidly creating a global crisis for the Church. Over many decades, priests and lay members of religious orders in the Roman Catholic Church had sexually abused children, principally boys, on such a large scale, that the accusations reached into the thousands[3]

“The majority of accused priests in the United States (55.7%) had one formal allegation of abuse made against them, 26.4% had two or three allegations, 17.8% had four to nine allegations, and 3.5% had ten or more allegations.”[4] A major aggravating factor was the actions of Catholic bishops to keep these crimes secret and to reassign the accused to other parishes in positions where they had continued unsupervised contact with youth

Many of the accused priests were forced to resign or were laicized. In addition, several Bishops who had participated in the cover-up were also forced to resign or retire

The dioceses in which the crimes were committed found it necessary to make financial settlements with the victims estimated to have surpassed $3 billion in total by 2012.

The revelations nationwide led to a “zero tolerance” policy by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). In December 2019, however, it was revealed that numerous Bishops across the United States withheld hundreds of names from their accused clergy list.[5][6][7]


I feel the leadership in the Catholic Church did not think this type of child abuse was wrong or immoral. It is almost like it was their right and privilege to participate in these abominations (Lev 18:22-29, 20:13, Dt 12:31)

What would have been a logical response to this massive problem for the leadership of the Catholic Church to make?

From the beginning, the pedophiles should have been arrested and prosecuted. Instead, they covered up, paid people off, moved the accused around, and finally, because of public outrage, fired a few and then covered it up again! 


This sense of superiority is not new in the Christian Church era. The religious elite of the Old Testament law killed God’s Right-Hand Man. Then contrived to stop Peter and John from healing people. A great example of this was how they dealt with first healing after the day of Pentecost(Acts 3:1-9)

  • The religious elite hated the truth and was exaggerated when Peter and John taught the resurrection of God’s right-hand man -Acts 4:1,2, 4:16

  • Their actions tend to protect their doctrines (dogmas). What is the difference between covering up for pedophiles that are priests or having Peter and John jailed for healing people? Stopping descent against their doctrines (dogmas) was their goal -Acts 4:3, 5:18,19 (for healing the people)

  • They look down on what they call people that are uneducated and ignorant – Acts 4:13

  • They will threaten people that confront them on their doctrines (dogmas) – Acts 4:15-21,29, 5:27-33(including murder)

  • It includes taking physical violence against their rebels and protesters – Acts 5:40


To sum up who they are from Acts 3-5: hate the truth, protect their man-made rules and regulations, look down on uneducated and ignorant people, and threaten, beat, and kill their enemies

I am not saying the leadership of the Catholic Church does all these things to protect their doctrines (dogmas), but there are similarities

They project themselves as superior, know what is best, and lord it over people (maybe because they supposedly are called of God, hint God doesn’t call pedophiles!). They treat Catholic pedophiles differently than the common pedophiles

Have an attitude like, it is okay to do it, but don’t get caught doing it 

Contact us with your opinions as this blog series unfolds. Hopefully, we can have a healthy debate on the subject


To set up your affiliate link, comments, or questions, contact Dave at: [email protected]     

 God’s Right-Hand Man sets the tone for His Blog Series: The Woke Agenda vs. God’s Right-Hand Man – Intro 

 One of his subjects that he is passionate about is: Balenciaga vs. God’s Right-Hand Man 

Or you can give to help us gain more “EYEBALLS,” we thank you in advance: Donate now, to bring awareness to our Cause: Stop Child Mutilation

Next, God’s right-hand man allows more facts on the subject and will introduce damning evidence concerning the Catholic healthcare system, showing the depravity of their system!

Our Goal


To reach as many “EYEBALLS” as possible, bringing awareness to Critical Race Theory is wreaking havoc on our kids. Including writing about current events like the Balenciaga children scandal, LA Dodgers, Target, and even Chick-fil-A that affect our kids negatively


Help us reach 1,000,000 “EYEBALLS” plus yearly. For example, a dollar donated produces 2.5 “EYEBALLS” with Google Ads 


Our Solution


We want to educate people about this problem of shoving CRT down our throats. We do this by showing how God’s right-hand man, His son Jesus Christ defends the biblical truth on this subject in an allegory. It is not written with flowery words but is a biblical study on child abuse because the written word matters to God!  


Some subjects are; critical race theory, child molestation, child porn, pedophilia, drag queen children shows, same-sex bathrooms, locker rooms, and men competing in woman’s sports. Worse yet, puberty blockers, gender transformation, body mutilating sex-change surgeries for children, and even child sacrifice!


How we will implement our plan is simple (please do not let the cat out of the bag!)


Advertising campaigns with Google ads, social media, direct emails, and pay websites to post our blog series that deal with this subject and have a lot of “EYEBALLS” to get our message out. Then take the new donations and do the same after we review the data, make corrections, etc. Remember, we told you it was simple! 


Will our plan work? Our answer is your “EYEBALLS” are here, aren’t they?


There should be no question where we stand on “Woke-ism,” which is an abomination to our God, not theirs

To set up your affiliate link, comments, or questions, contact Dave at: [email protected]     

 God’s Right-Hand Man sets the tone for His Blog Series: The Woke Agenda vs. God’s Right-Hand Man – Intro 

 One of his subjects that he is passionate about is: Balenciaga vs. God’s Right-Hand Man 

Or you can give to help us gain more “EYEBALLS,” we thank you in advance: Donate now, to bring awareness to our Cause: Stop Child Mutilation


Support Our Cause: Stop Child Mutilation


Help us bring awareness to “Critical Race Theory.” God’s word shows us how it negatively affects our Kids. We now have elite educators who want to cut off the breasts and genitals of our children, changing their lives forever without parental consent

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